Garlic is great, but Allimax is better
Garlic is great for you! Seventeen amino acids, at least 33 sulphur compounds, eight minerals (germanium, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc) and the vitamins A, B and C. But garlic itself contains no allicin, the powerful anti-microbial compound found in Allimax. Garlic makes allicin only once its structure is ruptured and the two compounds alliin and allinase come into contact to form allicin which attacks the cell walls of soil borne micro-organisms.
Can I get allicin from raw garlic or other garlic supplements?
Raw garlic
Raw garlic varies quite widely in its relative yield of allicin. Research has found that the amount of allicin released from different garlics around the world can vary by a factor of 10 with the best yield at about 4% allicin. You would have to eat an awful lot of garlic match one capsule of Allimax.
Garlic oil
The Camden Food and Drink Research Association and the prestigious Warren Springs Laboratory show that garlic oil does not provide allicin. This is because it is destroyed by the boiling process used in the oil’s manufacture.
Garlic supplements
Almost a quarter of non-aged products (aged garlic never produces any allicin) yielded less allicin than was generally considered therapeutic and then only in a laboratory and not in your body, which is an altogether different setting.
Only Allimax contains bioactive, stabilized Allicin.
Allimax uses a carefully controlled patented process wherein pressurized water continually flushes the allicin from Spanish garlic in a reaction vessel to create a dilute water solution of allicin. This is then spray dried onto a maltodextrin matrix to produce stabilized allicin powder maintaining the allicin's potency and bioactivity.
Only Allimax contains bioactive, stabilized Allicin
Allicin is garlic’s defence against microbial attack. But it's only created in garlic when it is cut or crushed. Though a powerful anti-microbial, it quickly degrades in nature. Allimax has found a way to stabilize bioactive Allicin and deliver it to you in convenient vegan capsules.
The ultimate garlic supplement
Allimax is the result of a patented process and is the first garlic supplement to contain real, bioactive, stabilized allicin.
Other garlic supplements don't contain ANY Allicin. They rely on you to generate allicin once you have swallowed the tablet or capsule.
Allimax actually is Allicin. Instead of you generating your own Allicin, Allimax dissolves in your stomach for easy absorption into the bloodstream.
Allimax’s concentrated Allicin far exceeds what you get from garlic supplements, oils or raw.
An enormous amount of research has been published all over the world to confirm the many beneficial properties of garlic and the components that are generated when garlic is cut, crushed, cooked or processed.
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